Friday, July 3, 2009

Podcasting Diversity Is Our Strength

I was filling out a questionnaire about my heroes the other day. After listing my mother, my mother-in-law, my grandmothers, and Oprah Winfrey, it suddenly hit me that I could do a talk show too, and I will focus on Diversity. So I am now researching the technology involved. It will celebrate the contributions of foreigners to our country as well as Native Americans and also native born Americans with alternative lifestyles. I see it right now as a one hour format. Using "Wayne's World" as inspiration, (they did a TV show from their basement) I am planning to use my patio for the interview portion of my show. It will start off with an interview with a person or persons of the chosen nationality, and I will ask them about contributions their country has made to the USA. I am going to invite people I know, that live in the Phoenix area. Then we will have a combination of remotely filmed segments, possibly a visit to a restaurant of that nationality where we will film a cooking segment showing how to make one of that country's signature dishes, or a dance studio where people dance typical dances, or a fashion show of the costumes from that country, etc. I am looking at starting off with Greece, Vietnam, Nigeria and Argentina in the first set. I am very geeked about it.

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