Friday, July 10, 2009

Dong to the Podcast's Rescue

I was feeling pretty discouraged this week in terms of getting the Podcast off the ground, because I don't have a video camera, and I don't want to spend any money right now on camera equipment. First of all, we're not rolling in money, plus I don't know yet what I need in terms of equipment. I was talking with Dong Mach, one of my co-workers at M+W Zander, and the person who will be my first guest, and I told him my problem. Sweetheart that he is, he chimed in "I have a video camera I'm not using. You can borrow it."
I take after my Dad, he would never borrow or rent anything - he always went out and bought it. I understand that impulse, but I also realize that people like to help other people out, and it makes a lot more sense to use a friend's camera until I get my sealegs.
Dong is a darling. He was born in Vietnam, but came to America when he was 2. I am using him as my first victim for the "Diversity Is Our Strength" Podcast. Scott Le who sits next to me at work is also from Vietnam. He has offered to help me with the research behind the scenes for my Vietnam podcast. I am also going to urge him to be on camera.
So Dong has saved the day in terms of my Podcast idea. Stay tuned for the next chapter in the Saga of the Diversity Is Our Strength Podcast.

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